Playground Rules

Welcome! We’ re glad you’re here!  

Sit. Stay. Coffee. welcomes socialized dogs (and their humans) to our cafe & playground. 

Dogs must remain on leash when in the building but should be off-leash in the playground. Leash aggressive dogs are not permitted. 

Dogs must be vaccinated. 

If you / your dog is not feeling well or exhibiting signs of illness, please do not enter. 

Dogs older than one-year must be spayed / neutered.

Dog owners are responsible for ensuring their dog is not aggressive, a bully to other dogs, prone to mounting / humping or guarding. If your dog is causing disruptions/issues, we reserve the right to ask you to leave. 

Please clean up your dog’s waste and dispose of it in the appropriate disposal buckets.

Children may not climb on play equipment, run in the park, or tease/taunt dogs.

Children under 18 should be accompanied by their parents or have adult supervision. 

No outside food, outside drinks, glass containers, dog toys, or treats are permitted. 

No smoking (anywhere).

By entering our premises, you agree to adhere to the posted rules.

Sit. Stay. Coffee. is not responsible for any injury, illness, or damage caused on our premises, and all human guests must be responsible for their dogs. If your dog causes any damage to a person or property by nipping, biting, or otherwise, you are responsible

Failure to comply can result in being asked to leave the premises. 

Sit. Stay. Coffee. reserves the right to refuse or deny entry to any human or dog at our discretion.